Written Undead: Award Nominations

‘Written Undead’ Awards - now accepting NOMINATIONS for best zombie books of 2022.

2 Categories (each with 1st, 2nd & 3rd)

1. Best Book of the Year

2. Best New Book in a Series

Ponder these Rules and choose wisely:

1. original publication date must be in CY 2022

2. Author(s) must be current member(s) of the Written Undead FB group.

3. Authors may not nominate themselves.

4. Topics MUST include zombie characters or themes.

5. Books must be widely commercially available via at least one online sales site (Amazon, B&N, BAM, Godless, etc)

This year - awards will be cool certificates that authors can print out and frame for their “love me” wall in addition to the eternal awe of their fans, friends & family (as well as the jealous rage & vengeful thoughts of their fellow authors who were callously rejected) for being immortalized as the best of 2022!!

Post your nominations in the comments in this format:

Book Title:


Award Category:

Publication Date:

Nominations will be open through January 31, 2023.


S P Oldham

I write horror, dark fiction and dark fantasy as well as the occasional horror poem and some fun Silly Sunday Zombie (or horror) Limericks, known as SSiZLes!

I have lots of free reads on my website so if you want to get to know my writing, that’s a great way to start. Feel free to drop me a message if you call in. I would love to hear from you.


Check out the ‘Not Horror’ pages to find out a little more about what I do!


2023 so far…