S P Oldham S P Oldham

Medieval Torture and Punishment

I have shared this post on a couple of social media sites so I thought I would share it here.

Often over the years I have looked to medieval forms of punishment and torture to inspire my horror writing. Some of it is truly horrific in every sense. I often end up getting so absorbed in the history and folklore that I waste hours just reading and shaking my head in amazement when I should be writing! Did you ever see Wire in the Blood, based on the books of the same name by Val McDermid? Some of those scenes were medieval or inspired by the same. An excellent series in my view. Anyway, do you ever delve into the horror of the past? True horror, that exists in the history books because it really took place? The say truth is stranger than fiction. It's often crueller than fiction, too.

If there is anyone out there, if this blog does not exist in some lonely, unique vacuum populated by lost posts and drifting authors, please leave a comment. Thanks!

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