S P Oldham S P Oldham

A Mystery Death at Montgomery Castle…

Montgomery Castle - A Mystery Historical Death

The curious death of Maud Vras, as told by Cadw. You may know by now that I love history as much as I love writing, and where possible I try to include or allude to historical periods, events, folklore and mythology in my work, when I can. As a side note, Montgomery in Wales is an incredibly pretty part of the world, crammed full of history. I should also add that I am not entirely sure that the photo above (I took it) is the precise spot of the incident.

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S P Oldham S P Oldham


I was very pleasantly surprised to hear that Silversurfers picked my poem 'Sunflowers' as Editor's Choice for March. (Please see original post below.) As well as that distinction, I also won a £25 Amazon Gift Voucher. I felt that it was only right that I in turn donate £25 to the crisis in Ukraine, which was after all the inspiration for the poem. In the interests of fairness I just wanted to share that here. Thank you everyone and thank you Silversurfers, for making my day!

This has been on my mind for a couple of weeks now. Inspired by the incredibly brave Ukrainian lady who gave a Russian soldier sunflower seeds, that at least they might grow from the soil when he lies dead. War is so tragic. Sunflowers, as I am sure most of us now know, are Ukraine's national flower. They are a symbol of unity and much more, now.

I don't want politics here so please take it elsewhere, with respect. This is just an expression of grief, inspiration and despite it all, hope. I am not Ukrainian, but I just had to write this. Thanks.

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