S P Oldham S P Oldham

Ratty Birthday to Me, Ratty Birthday to Me…

It's my birthday. A rat chewed through the wiring in the kitchen ceiling and blew all the sockets in there. Waiting for an electrician now. My house is riddled with damp and needs a damp course put in. We need a new roof - technically three roofs, really. First world problems as my oldest would say and of course, he is right. That doesn't stop it from getting me down, though.

I am usually pretty upbeat and optomistic. Maybe today I am just tired. If there happens to be anyone out there who would like to cheer me up, make my day and buy my book (Audible or kindle) then thank you! A review would be even better. If you give me a try, then thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoy it!

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

The Colour of Magic on Audible - Sir Terry Pratchett

An early birthday present. Thank you Adam Oldham - this should be fun! Can't wait to hear Peter Serafinowicz as Death! (Oh and by the way, the A - Z of Horror featured in this screenshot is Volume E is for Exorcism, published by Red Cape Publishing House and featuring my story 'A Gave Mistake' in case you're wondering...) #discworld #terrypratchett #fantasy #fantasyfiction #birthday #audible #thankyou

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