S P Oldham S P Oldham

A Grave Mistake - Recited by Mick Dark on YouTube!

Check out my short story on Mick Dark's YouTube channel! 'A Grave Mistake' was written for Red Cape Publishing as part of their A - Z of horror series. It features in Volume E is for Exorcism. If you feel like having a story read to you for a change, just click the link and enjoy!

Thank you to Red Cape Publishing and to Mick Dark. Mick, I love the sinister way you recited my story and the eerie feel of the reading. Thank you for doing my work such credit, I appreciate it hugely.

You can also listen to it on Audible here: E is for Exorcism Audibook - P J Blakey-Novis, S P Oldham and multiple authors

You can start with A is for Aliens here: A is For Aliens A-Z of Horror

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

The Written Undead Podcast

Jack Childress, host of the Written Undead Podcast, along with Richard Ryan Rose and Angel Ramon, interviewed S P Oldham

I had the pleasure of being invited to take part on the Written Undead Podcast last Saturday (6th March 2022.) If you missed it or would like to watch again, click the link below.

I joined host Jack Childress who renamed himself Jack Oldham for the duration of the show (thank you Jack!) along with author Richard Ryan Rose (Wild Eyed Southern Boyz) and Angel Ramon (aka Angelus Maximus - Gamelit author and more) for conversation, questions and a bit of a chat. Leave a comment or a question below if you have one of your own.


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