S P Oldham S P Oldham

36 copies left - get them while you can! Wakeful Children.

Get a paperback copy of ‘Wakeful Children’ for half price when you enter the code ‘Wakeful.’

Only 36 copies remaining! Half price (£5) if you enter the code 'Wakeful' at checkout. Get them while you can, because once they're gone, they're gone! UK only.

If you would prefer a signed copy ordered direct from the author there will be an additional small charge to cover p&p.

'Wakeful Children is a collection of highly imaginative and inventive short stories.

The oak sways gently, a shiver shimmers its way from roots to tip. A branch creaks as if in resistance. A small, fresh leaf strains to curl into life, shows promise for an instant, then withers and dies. A sigh, just beyond human hearing, vibrates the night. All else is still.

You will be unwittingly taken on a journey to witness the twisted brutality of Joe Gallows, the weird dream-scape of The Sandman, the ice-cold grasp of The Face of the Gale, the elemental horror of an ancient, evil entity in Devil’s Drop. You will visit some of the residents down a darkly troubled street in Absorption; watched over by a beautiful, malignant presence all the while.

These and other tales make Wakeful Children an extremely unusual, compelling and refreshingly different read in this genre. One that will leave you thinking of it long after you have turned the last page...'


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S P Oldham S P Oldham

A Grave Mistake - Recited by Mick Dark on YouTube!

Check out my short story on Mick Dark's YouTube channel! 'A Grave Mistake' was written for Red Cape Publishing as part of their A - Z of horror series. It features in Volume E is for Exorcism. If you feel like having a story read to you for a change, just click the link and enjoy!

Thank you to Red Cape Publishing and to Mick Dark. Mick, I love the sinister way you recited my story and the eerie feel of the reading. Thank you for doing my work such credit, I appreciate it hugely.

You can also listen to it on Audible here: E is for Exorcism Audibook - P J Blakey-Novis, S P Oldham and multiple authors

You can start with A is for Aliens here: A is For Aliens A-Z of Horror

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