S P Oldham S P Oldham

Competition Winners September 2024

Thanks to everyone who entered my recent competition. I realised, far too late, that there was a problem with the link, so if you tried to enter but couldn't I can only apologise. I will make it up to you by running another competition very soon.

The winners this time are:

Marc Ahearne

Ian Mabberley


Paul Lodge

Michael Daly

I really enjoyed reading your witty, dark and creative responses. I will be in touch very soon to arrange sending you your codes.

Thanks again everyone.

S P Oldham

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Competition Winner!

Winner of S P ldham’s Mystery Bumper Prize March 2024

I am very pleased to announce that the winner of my most recent competition for a bumper prize including two Audible codes is...

Champaklal Lad!


Thank you to everyone who entered. I run regular competitions, so keep checking back. In the meantime, why not take a look at Wakeful Children, Hag's Breath or any of my other books? On Kindle and Audible, Wakeful Children is also available in paperback. Or, drop me a line on my blog!

Thanks everyone, have a great day/evening/night, wherever you are!

Winner picked by random name picker wheel spinner.

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Winners Announcement!

Thanks to everyone who entered my first random giveaway event. We have three winners as follows:

Website entries:

Jane Wheble - love the idea of a punk band called ‘Mindless Trilogy’ with an album called ‘A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing!’

Mark Williams - Your answer was pretty much spot on in terms of what the book is about!

Facebook entries:

Laura Pritchard - Your answer was also pretty spot on!

Well done winners! I will be in touch to arrange delivery of your *random* prize very soon.

Didn’t win? There is another giveaway about to start tomorrow, so don’t despair, just try again!

P.S If you happen to have read any of the books in the trilogy or the whole trilogy itself, please review and share. Thank you.

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Winner Announcement!

Competition Winner Eileen Tingle

Thanks to everyone who entered my recent comptition to win a free Audible download of ‘Hag’s Breath: A Collection of Witchcraft and Wickedness.’

I am very happy to say that the winner this time around is:

Eileen Tingle!

Congratulations Eileen! I love the idea of setting spells to music, according to the needs of the individual. I also love the slight note of warning, in that Eileen can’t guarantee the safety of the supplicant after the spell is cast… Deliciously wicked!

Thank you to everyone who entered. Keep an eye here or on Facebook as I often run competitions and giveaways. Please share and help spread the word if you have seen anything here you have liked.

Eileen, I will be in touch very soon!

S P Oldham

Image Credit: Unsplash via Squarespace Stock Images. Seemed fitting!

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Competition Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered my recent competition. It was the highest number of entries to one of my little competitions so far! Thank you! Now, onto the winner and many congratulations to Keith Hunt! I will be in touch to make arrangements to send you your prize very soon.

As a little thank you to everyone else who took part, if you would like a free download of 'Post Mortem' please just let me know.

Thanks everyone and congratulations Keith!

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Competition Winners!

Thanks everyone for all of your imaginative entries to my recent competition. I would like to announce that the winners are

Dawn Jones

Mike Ambler

Winning parcels will be sent out asap. I would also like to announce that there is a runner up who will win a free download of any one of my books, of their choice

Lisa Day

Thanks everyone! Keep your eyes open for more news, competitions and more!

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Competition Winners!

I hope you all had a lovely long bank holiday weekend. Thanks to everyone who entered my most recent competition. The winners are:

Chris Andrews

Zoe Townshend (apologies for my misspelling in the name picker!) Facebook entrant

Jo M Welsh Facebook entrant

Well done winners! I will be in touch soon to arrange delivery.

If you didn't win this time, keep checking back. I often post little competitions and giveaways. Better luck next time! By the way, if you have never checked out my work, take a look and maybe treat yourself to horror/spooky read for less than the price of a coffee and cake!

S P Oldham on Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/e/B01N2LSUMX

S P Oldham on Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/.../ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1...

S P Oldham on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15116823.S_P_Oldham

Thanks everyone.


Chris Andrews


Zoe Townshend


Jo M Welsh

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Competition Winner!

Thank you to everyone who entered my recent little competition. I am delighted to announce that the winner is...

Natalie Crossan

Well done Natalie. I will be in touch very soon to arrange delivery of your prize.

Natalie has won a signed paperback copy of 'Wakeful Children', a paperback copy of the anthology 'Run from the Dead' (Angry Eagle Publishing, various authors including me;) a torch keyring, bottle opener and trolley token keyring, bookmarks anda touch screen pen.

Sorry if you didn't win this time. I run competitions and giveaways from quite often so be sure to check in now and then. Thanks everyone.

S P Oldham, Author on Facebook If you like what you read please like and follow me on Facebook, maybe share the love. I appreciate you, thank you!

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