S P Oldham S P Oldham

Okay, goals…

I am keeping them small, because I am small, after all.

Last week I hit my little goal of 2 more sales of my audiobook 'Hag's Breath: A Collection of Witchcraft and Wickedness.' Those two sales brought the total so far to 30.

My aim for February is to make 5 more sales. I don't want to to harass, bully or bore people into reading or listening to my work, nor do I want to put out endless sob stories and prey on people's sympathies. We all have our troubles.

All I ask is, if the blurb, the cover, the premise, anything at all appeals to you about my work, please give it a try. An honest review afterwards would be wonderful. If you hate it, fair enough. If you love it, wonderful. If you think it's ok, that's good too. I appreciate your time and your thoughts.

So, going from 30 sales to 35 is my February aim. Whether I achieve that or fail miserably, I will update you all at the beginning of March, (well, I won't be around at the beginning of March, so maybe the first week in.)

Thanks for reading. Whatever your goals may be, large or small, I hope you achieve them. If you want to share them in the comments, feel free. Let's just all remain respectful, kind and supportive of one another.


(S P Oldham)

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

RIP Peter Meredith, Author

I was very shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of author Peter Meredith this morning.

Peter had been battling early-onset dementia, with his dedicated wife Stacy Thuy Meredith doing all she could to help and support him. To hear of his sudden passing today was truly shocking.

I would like to offer my sincere condolences to Stacy, Peter Meredith Jr. and their family and friends.

At times such as this, it is hard to find the right words to say. RIP Peter, you will live on in your books, in the hearts and minds of your fans and in the memories of your loved ones.

Peter Meredith on Facebook

Peter Meredith Zombie Books

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