S P Oldham S P Oldham

Winner Announcement!

Competition Winner Eileen Tingle

Thanks to everyone who entered my recent comptition to win a free Audible download of ‘Hag’s Breath: A Collection of Witchcraft and Wickedness.’

I am very happy to say that the winner this time around is:

Eileen Tingle!

Congratulations Eileen! I love the idea of setting spells to music, according to the needs of the individual. I also love the slight note of warning, in that Eileen can’t guarantee the safety of the supplicant after the spell is cast… Deliciously wicked!

Thank you to everyone who entered. Keep an eye here or on Facebook as I often run competitions and giveaways. Please share and help spread the word if you have seen anything here you have liked.

Eileen, I will be in touch very soon!

S P Oldham

Image Credit: Unsplash via Squarespace Stock Images. Seemed fitting!

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S P Oldham S P Oldham


To win an Audible OR e-book download of ‘Hag’s Breath: A Collection of Witchcraft and Wickedness’ just tell me what your area of expertise would be if you were a witch. The most original/funny/scary/intriguing answer will be the winner.

While you’re here, why not listen to this extract from ‘Hag’s Breath’ narrated by Paula Hines? Or try if for nothing with Audible's free 3 month deal (limited time only.) It might get your imagination going, ready for those answers…

Extract: Hag's Breath on Audible UK

Rules: Competition closes 12/08/2023 Midnight GMT. No correspondence will be entered into and there will be no cash alternative. Prize in no way affiliated with Facebook. Judges decision is final. In the event that I am unable to contact the winner after two weeks, the prize will roll over to the runner up. Winners are politely requested to post a comment or photo to my author page, S P Oldham, Author on receipt of their prize. Entry to this competition will be deemed as acceptance of these rules. Good luck! I am looking forward to reading these!

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Hag’s Breath - coming soon on Audio!

‘Hag’s Breath: A Collection of Witchcraft and Wickedness’ will soon be available as an audiobook!

Narrated by the excellent Paula Hines, I will keep you updated on progress.

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

The Colour of Magic on Audible - Sir Terry Pratchett

An early birthday present. Thank you Adam Oldham - this should be fun! Can't wait to hear Peter Serafinowicz as Death! (Oh and by the way, the A - Z of Horror featured in this screenshot is Volume E is for Exorcism, published by Red Cape Publishing House and featuring my story 'A Gave Mistake' in case you're wondering...) #discworld #terrypratchett #fantasy #fantasyfiction #birthday #audible #thankyou

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