S P Oldham S P Oldham

Wicked Little Blade - Call for ARC Readers

The Great Lady rules Spira, safe from within the Inner Sanctum of the palace. Yet even here, the world can intrude. Eleven years ago, the Great Lady’s Mirror Mind, Ellera, brought great displeasure when she bore an illegitimate child; Shaderassa.

The Great Lady rarely forgives and never forgets. Ellera is kept on at court, her skills as a Mirror Mind valuable, until the Great Lady’s tolerance fails, when she is forced to endure a dreadful punishment.

The Alchemists, in service to the palace, happen to choose the same day to demonstrate that their powers can be used for things other than violence. Fearful and nervous, they get things horribly wrong, giving scheming court elder Ivien an opportunity to seize power amid the chaos.

All at once, Spira is cast into turmoil. Everything changes for Shaderassa, forcing her to flee the only place she has ever called home. Brought low by grief and loss, armed with only a knife, a will to survive and the memory of her mother to give her strength, she runs.

Beyond Spira, the jungle beckons. What lies beyond that, very few know.

Hunted by half an army, Shaderassa is about to find out.

Now available for ARC copies. If you are interested and able to provide timely feedback/review then please either comment below or pm me. Thank you.

Wicked Little Blade

The Blurb: The Great Lady rules Spira, safe from within the Inner Sanctum of the palace. Yet even here, the world can intrude. Eleven years ago, the Great Lady’s Mirror Mind, Ellera, brought great displeasure when she bore an illegitimate child; Shaderassa.

The Great Lady rarely forgives and never forgets. Ellera is kept on at court, her skills as a Mirror Mind valuable, until the Great Lady’s tolerance fails, when she is forced to endure a dreadful punishment.

The Alchemists, in service to the palace, happen to choose the same day to demonstrate that their powers can be used for things other than violence. Fearful and nervous, they get things horribly wrong, giving scheming court elder Ivien an opportunity to seize power amid the chaos.

All at once, Spira is cast into turmoil. Everything changes for Shaderassa, forcing her to flee the only place she has ever called home. Brought low by grief and loss, armed with only a knife, a will to survive and the memory of her mother to give her strength, she runs.

Beyond Spira, the jungle beckons. What lies beyond that, very few know.

Hunted by half an army, Shaderassa is about to find out.

Book Cover Art by vikncharlie on SelfPubBookCovers.com

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S P Oldham S P Oldham

Been away, going away…

I have just spent a lovely five days with my sister, helping to look after my nephew’s house, cats, dog and chickens in West Wales. A beautiful part of the world. Now I am home for ten days, before going away again, this time to Llanberis, with my oldest son, my youngest son and his wife, and our gorgeous little granddaughter! Lucky me!

I am editing at the moment, my new book due to be released around the end of September, with luck and a fair wind!

If you would like an ARC copy (download) in exchange for a timely, fair and honest review, just let me know below, or message me, whichever you prefer. It is another zompoc novel, my last for a while as I intend to move on to other things.

In the meantime, here is me on the beach at the stunning Pembrey Sands, because if there is not a photo, then we all know it didn’t happen!

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