Post Mortem - New Release ARC readers wanted

Okay, it's time to give out 'copies' of my new book, 'Post Mortem.' I have a few readers already lined up. If you are interested, let me know below and I will message you with the details. For transparency, I will be asking for timely and honest reviews when the book is finally published, but I offer no renumeration or payment of any kind in return.

The Blurb: Danny Davies is proud to work at ‘Winscombe Funeral Home, Crematorium and Cemetery.’ His job is not exactly run-of-the-mill yet in a curious way, Danny enjoys treating the dead with care and respect. Mr Winscombe, his employer, is meticulous in his work; a very private, much esteemed member of the community of Lychgate and somebody Danny looks up to.

When Mr Winscombe mysteriously disappears one afternoon, Danny is naturally concerned. After all, the man is usually such a stickler for routine. He goes to the police later that evening when there is still neither sight nor sound of his boss.

As a courtesy, the police despatch two officers to Mr Winscombe’s home. Little does Danny know that the town of Lychgate will be forever changed afterwards. As will his opinion of his boss.

Some things are meant to be buried.

Book Cover Credit: DesignzbyDanielle

S P Oldham

I write horror, dark fiction and dark fantasy as well as the occasional horror poem and some fun Silly Sunday Zombie (or horror) Limericks, known as SSiZLes!

I have lots of free reads on my website so if you want to get to know my writing, that’s a great way to start. Feel free to drop me a message if you call in. I would love to hear from you.

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