International Women’s Day - Meet Lavender Gin

As a nod to International Women's Day, I would like to introduce you to Lavender Gin. She may start out afraid of her own shadow, but she truly evolves into someone far stronger...

An unlikely group of fellow survivors venture out into a changed world, the new reality one of horror and brutality. Lavender Gin, Bumper Scuffs, Rumble Strips and Mad Gasher make up a motley crew, with their strengths, weaknesses and weird monikers. But what better way to start a new life, than to leave old names behind?

The group come to the aid of Carson, a lone survivor in a very sticky situation. In return, he gives them shelter. Nothing can be taken for granted in this new world though. Pretty soon the group is faced with a shared danger; one they must overcome together.

Or die trying.

S P Oldham

I write horror, dark fiction and dark fantasy as well as the occasional horror poem and some fun Silly Sunday Zombie (or horror) Limericks, known as SSiZLes!

I have lots of free reads on my website so if you want to get to know my writing, that’s a great way to start. Feel free to drop me a message if you call in. I would love to hear from you.

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