I am back!

Very grateful to be able to say that I am now over the worst of Covid-19. I count myself extremely lucky compared to some poor souls. My husband is also now Covid free and getting better slowly.

So, I am back at work on my wip as well as one or two other projects. I hope everyone is well, healthy and happy.

Drop me a line if you feel like it, I always love to hear from you.


S P Oldham

I write horror, dark fiction and dark fantasy as well as the occasional horror poem and some fun Silly Sunday Zombie (or horror) Limericks, known as SSiZLes!

I have lots of free reads on my website so if you want to get to know my writing, that’s a great way to start. Feel free to drop me a message if you call in. I would love to hear from you.




Does Your Pet Look Like You?!