Happy New Year for 2025
Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Not necessarily prosperous in the materialistic sense, though most of us could do with some extra cash these days. I mean ‘prosperous’ in all the areas of your life that you want to grow, evolve, improve or change for the better. I think it is important to make that clarification.
Speaking for us, we know that the year ahead promises changes and challenges for us as a family that we would rather not be facing. At least we have fair warning, and can anticipate some of those changes. We will get through it. As for the rest, the things that none of us can see coming, let’s just hope that they are good, or at the very least they leave us stronger for having faced them.
I wish the same for all of you. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I will keep writing because it is who and what I am, even though most of the ‘reading world’ so to speak, don’t even know who I am!
If you’re still with me, thank you with all my heart.
Happy New Year!
S P Oldham